Who would have thought a year a go that Zardari would be the President of Pakistan? No one could have dreamed or even had a nightmare about Zardari becoming the President a year ago. If the death of Benazir Bhutto benefited anyone the most it is Zardari. He might as well be behind her death. The life insurance of Benazir was about $53 million. Zardari is the sole beneficiary of the insurance. Bhutto’s death was very convenient for Zardari.
Currently he is the chairman of People's Party, President of Pakistan, has control of the Prime Minister, and the speaker of the parliament is also from PPPs. This gives Zardari a lot of control without any obstacles in the way. Zardari is less interested in running the country and more interested in looting it greedily.
How can a person who stayed in jail for corruption charges be the President of Pakistan? Well it only happens in
Pakistan. Zardari is also responsible for the murder of Murtaza Bhutto, the brother of his wife. Ghinwa, the wife of Murtaza Bhutto is worried about her and her family's safety since Zardari became President she stated,“I’m very worried about my children’s security, I have asked the government for protection but they have refused. My son

is particularly vulnerable. He’s the real male Bhutto heir. There are very difficult, dark days ahead.”
Fatima points out that Shoaib Suddle, the most senior policeman present on the night of her father’s death, has been made head of the Intelligence Bureau by Zardari’s government. “It looks like a reward, so one has a right to feel threatened,” she says. (To read more about the murder of Murtaza Bhutto visit
Fatima's website at
Some might think Zardari is a changed person, but in actuality he has not changed a bit. Since he became the chairman of People's Party he broke so many promises. The personal credibility has become a big issue. Zardari had misled many of his political allies and partners by claiming that the establishment, which mediated and guaranteed many deals, had expressed serious reservations about the restoration of the judges, especially chief justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry. He never fulfilled this promise despite four written agreements with Nawaz Sharif on different occasions. Zardari said that agreement with Nawaz were not holy like Quran or Hadith, and therefore can be modified in circumstances of change. It is very unlikely that chief justice Chaudhry will be reinstalled because Zardari is afraid that his corruption case might be opened.
The only reason PPP won the election election was due to the pity of voters for the assignation of Benazir Bhutto. Zardari being the President of Pakistan scares me, it seems like there are terrible times ahead for
Pakistan and its people. The politics of corruption of the past will continue without any real change. As long as there is not true democracy and politicians are not punished for their wrong doings,
Pakistan is doomed.
Some interesting pics